This film was written as a historical parable to engage people with te Tiriti o Waitangi, the Treaty of Waitangi. The story is of three young men who share a house in the city, getting on with their lives, doing well, when one of their friends turns up one day and stays. If you have ever shared a flat with others you may recognise some of the situations in this story: the guest has a bit of a party on a week night; doesn’t clean up; doesn’t follow the house rules; and invites mates to stay. The purpose of this educational resource is to help people increase their knowledge and understanding of the Treaty of Waitangi through the medium of drama. Engaging with the characters and responding to the incidents that occur in the story can help people clarify their thoughts about Treaty issues and encourage them to participate more
confidently in discussions about the Treaty and colonisation in Aotearoa/New Zealand.
This resource is for use with adult New Zealanders, including young people from the age of about 15.
Prior knowledge of the Treaty of Waitangi is not required.