When: 9.30am-4.30pm, Tuesday 12 November & Thursday 14 April 2022, 2 full days
Where: Aldersgate Methodist Church Centre, 309 Durham Street North, Christchurch
Cost: $60
- Register online: Click here to register online
- In person: Call into the office at 59 Gloucester Street between 9.30am and 3pm
- By telephone: 03-3660285
- By email: admin@cwea.org.nz
This opportunity is organised by Canterbury WEA and will be run by Network Waitangi Ōtautahi. It starts where people are and is non-confrontational. It is not only introductory, it is designed to refresh your understanding and to clarify what the Treaty means today. It will explore: ancestry, cultural difference and cultural safety; pre-Treaty and post-Treaty history; colonisation and social statistics, and new ways of thinking, living and working. Models and possible actions in 2020 for moving towards a Treaty-based society will also be considered.
A handbook of resources is provided so note-taking is not necessary. In addition to the handouts a booklet titled The Treaty of Waitangi Questions and Answers (2019) will be available to purchase for $5 – please bring cash on the day for this. Tea and Coffee provided but please bring your own lunch.
CWEA does not want the fee to this course to be a barrier to anyone who wants to attend, so please feel free to contact the administration staff to discuss possible discounts and scholarships.